Why Establishing Fault In A Car Accident When You've Been Injured Is So Important

When you've been in a car accident, establishing who is at fault can make a big difference in your ability to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you are found at fault, you have no right to file a personal injury lawsuit for your injuries. Even if you are seriously injured, if you caused the accident, you have no recourse. When you are 50% at fault or less for the accident, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. [Read More]

Taking The Next Step Toward Getting Workers' Compensation

In most cases, your workers' comp insurance just "works." You get injured, you file a claim, and you are able to have your medical bills taken care of, able to stay home and get better and earn a portion of your pay. When it works as it should, it's invaluable. Sometimes, however, your claims are not filed, your claims are not approved or you have claims with special circumstances. Here are some situations that may call for you to seek additional help by a workers' comp attorney. [Read More]

Know The Signs Of Nursing Home Negligence And What To Do About It

If you have a relative who is living in a nursing home, then it is essential to know what the signs are of negligence and what you should do if you believe your loved one's care needs are being overlooked. When your relative is under the care of any care facility, they have a legal requirement to provide adequate care and can be severely fined by the various government regulatory agencies or sued by a family member if they fail to do so. [Read More]

Frequently Asked Questions About Employment Attorneys

If you work for a corporation or even a small business, you might be wondering whether or not you need to use your resources to work with an employment attorney. Found yourself in a court case with a current or past employer? These questions are frequently asked by those seeking answers about whether or not to hire an employment attorney. What problems will an employment attorney handle? If you find yourself needing to take legal action against an employer, you need a lawyer that specializes in employment to handle the case. [Read More]